ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

journal6 ›› 2003, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 85-96.

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The Shanghai Polytechnic Institution and Reading Room and Its Innovation on Education


  • Online:2003-08-15 Published:2003-08-15



  1. 中央财经大学

Abstract: Initiated by foreigners, the Shanghai Polytechnic Institution and Reading Room was a path breaking educational organization that was jointly founded by Chinese and Westerners. From its inception it lasted for forty years. Its purpose was to encourage Chinese to study western science and technology. Chinese and foreigners from all walks of life contributed funding for the institute. Under the administration of a board of directors its curriculum included science, technology, politics, economy, current affairs, culture, and education. Science and technology were the major contents of teaching. Its adopted mode of teaching gave priority to self-study assisted by lectures. Experimentation and demonstration were also important teaching methods. Shanghai Polytechnic Institution and Reading Room played a critical role in introducing Western science and technology to the Chinese.

摘要: 上海格致书院是经外国人倡议,由中西各方人士共同创建的一个新型的教育机构,自其倡议筹建到停办,历时达四十年之久。其办学宗旨是为华人了解西方科学技术知识,其办学经费来自中外各界人士的捐助,其管理方式采取董事会管理制,其教学内容包括科学技术、政治、经济、时务、文化、教育等,其中科学技术是最主要的教学内容,其教学方法以自学为主,以讲授为辅,以科学实验及演示为重要教学手段。在西学东渐过程中,上海格致书院发挥了重要作用。