ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

journal6 ›› 2001, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 50-57.

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Research on the “Service for Atonement” in Xinjiang by Dismissed Officials in the Qing Dynasty


  • Online:2001-08-15 Published:2001-08-15



  1. 新疆社会科学院

Abstract: Xinjiang was one important area where the Qing dynasty exiled dismissed officials. During their periods of “service for atonement,” dismissed officials made many significant contributions to the construction of frontier defence and the development of production. Despite their accomplishments historians have overlooked these individuals due to their “special” status and positions. This article seeks to contribute to the history of the Qing and of Xinjiang and also to compensate for the lack of research on the activities of extraordinary individuals.

摘要: 新疆是清朝政府发遣“废员”的重要地区之一。“废员”中的不少人在新疆“效力赎罪”期间,作了许多有益于边防建设、发展生产和繁荣文化的事。但是,由于他们特殊的身份和地位,过去史界对其从事的活动研究不多。本文正是为了弥补清史或新疆史研究中的这一缺憾而作。