ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

journal6 ›› 2006, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 17-27.

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The Evolution of the Idea on Vassal States and the Changes of Chinese Territory in the Qing Dynasty


  • Online:2006-11-15 Published:2006-11-15



  1. 中国社会科学院中国边疆史地研究中心

Abstract: The idea on vassal states and its evolution created great influence on Chinese territory in the Qing Dynasty.Monarchs  of  the Qing had their own understanding on Chinese boundary during the unification.They politely refused the requesting of some vassal states such as Sulu to incorporate into the Qing,while when the disputing on boundary occurred,the Qing ceded some territory to its vassal states.After 1840,China defended strongly its its vassal states invaded by the imperial forces.Facing the imperial forces’ plan to carve up some Vassal States,the Qing court had different opinions .After the breakdown of the suzerain-vassal system,China strengthened its ties with the former vassal states. During the negotiation on the boundary,the patriotic officials strived to regain the territory ceded by the early Qing to it vassal states,but the Qing lost much territory in the end.

摘要: 清代中国的藩属观念及其变化对中国疆土的变化有很大的影响,清前期的君主在统一中国过程中对中国疆界已有自己的认识,委婉地拒绝苏禄等藩属内附;与藩属发生边界争端时,有时以"天朝上国"风范,从"守在四夷"出发,把本国疆土让予属国。1840年后,中国竭力保全遭到列强侵略的藩属,尽管列强提出与中国瓜分某些藩属的方案,中国国内也出现过不同的意见。藩属体系被打破后,中国又与旧日藩属加紧联系,以睦邻、固边,爱国官员则在边界谈判中力求收回清前期让予属国的疆土,但划界时仍失去不少国土。