ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

journal6 ›› 2010, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 95-104.

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From the Pursuit of Traditional Confucian Values to the Reform of Confucian Fundamentals:The Relationship between New Texts School and Cheng-Zhu Confucianism in the Qing Dynasty


  • Online:2010-05-15 Published:2010-05-15



  1. 北京师范大学历史学院

Abstract: From the standpoint of intellectual history,the shift form the mainstream Cheng-Zhu Confucianism to New Texts Confucianism was significant. Zhuang Cunyu,Liu Fenglu and Song Xiangfeng believed in the New Texts,but did not object to Cheng-Zhu Confucianism. Gong Zizhen and Wei Yuan were advocates of Statecraft, but, though not satisfied with Cheng-Zhu Confucianism,though they did not oppose it. Dai Wang,Wang Kaiyun and Liao Ping clearly supported Cheng-Zhu Confucianism. Kang Youwei's scholarship diverged from Cheng-Zhu Confucianism. Kang annotated the Four Books based on the Western learning in order to develop and improve Cheng-Zhu Confucianism.

摘要: 清代今文经学与主流意识形态程朱理学的关系耐人寻味。从学术脉络看,清代今文经学家与程朱理学的关系前后有较大变动。庄存与、刘逢禄、宋翔凤等主今文而不废理学,兼尊意味甚浓。龚自珍、魏源长于经世,不满于理学现状,但不一味否定。戴望、王闿运、廖平则对程朱理学表现出明确的反叛倾向。康有为出入理学,援西学注《四书》,力图扬弃与改造程朱理学。今文经学家对程朱理学的看法,从求复"义理之常"到言"义理之变",一定程度上折射了他们在政治思想上从谋求"变法"到"变道"的历程,既说明程朱理学渐失人心,又显示出儒家传统内部蕴含"自改革"的活力。