ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

journal6 ›› 2001, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 33-42.

• 学术专论 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 复旦大学中国历史地理研究中心

  • 出版日期:2001-05-15 发布日期:2001-05-15

Clear and Muddy Flows: Environmental Change and Special Features of the Water-Control of the Da Qing River Lower Reaches

  • Online:2001-05-15 Published:2001-05-15

摘要: 清代,在人口压力和垦殖拓展的形势下,太行山一带森林和植被的破坏加剧,引起水土流失加重,使得永定河、子牙河的泥沙量上升,大清河水道形成越来越严重的淤塞,又进一步引起决口泛滥加重。为了减轻大清河的水患,清政府将治水的重点放在永定河、子牙河堤坝系统的修筑,使清浊分流,但收效不彰,其治水过程典型地反映了专制王朝末期的治水特点。 

Abstract: Population pressure and the opening of new land in the Qing brought about the deforestation of the Taihang mountains, which led to severe soil erosion; silt then built up in the Yongding and Ziya rivers to the point where the lower reaches of the Da Qing River became increasingly clogged. Thus levees in these rivers burst and floods were more prevalent. In order to ameliorate the damage from floods, the Qing government concentrated on water control and the construction and repair of silt-damaged dykes and dams in the Yongding and Ziya rivers, but the results were not very effective. This unsuccessful process of water control was a typical reflection of the special features of water conservancy of an autocratic court in its twilight years.