ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

清史研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 12-23.

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邱源媛(1977—),女,中国社会科学院古代史研究所研究员、中国社会科学院徽学研究中心研究员,北京100101;qiuyuanyuan0922@163. com   

  1. 中国社会科学院古代史研究所;中国社会科学院徽学研究中心
  • 出版日期:2021-05-15 发布日期:2021-05-25
  • 作者简介:邱源媛(1977—),女,中国社会科学院古代史研究所研究员、中国社会科学院徽学研究中心研究员,北京100101;qiuyuanyuan0922@163. com
  • 基金资助:
    本文系国家社科基金项目“17-20 世纪华北地区旗人及其后裔群体研究”(项目编号:15BZS109)的阶段性成果。

The Aftermath of Land Enclosure by the Eight Banners: A Study of the Bobu Lands in the Early Qing

QIU Yuanyuan (Institute of Ancient History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; qiuyuanyuan0922@163. com)   

  1. Institute of Ancient History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Online:2021-05-15 Published:2021-05-25
  • About author:QIU Yuanyuan (Institute of Ancient History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; qiuyuanyuan0922@163. com)

摘要: 顺康时期,清廷在京畿五百里实行大规模圈地,设立八旗庄园,同时把其他州县的土地作为补偿拨给被圈的民人,即“拨补”。拨补地虽然不属于旗地,但其产生与旗地政策直接相关,拨补时间、拨补区域均随八旗圈地的进展而定。拨补地位于旗地外围,以北京城为基点逐层向直隶南部地区推进,分布于直隶 8 府、2 直隶州所属 67 个州县境内,以及包括宣府镇在内的卫所系统诸地。直隶南部州县虽然没有旗圈地,却依然通过拨补地的实行间接受到八旗制度影响。文章围绕拨补地形成、分布与八旗圈占旗地的紧密联系,思考八旗制度对直隶的非八旗人群、非八旗区域的辐射性影响。

关键词: 直隶, 八旗制度, 拨补地, 圈地, 地方社会

Abstract: In the early years of the Qing dynasty, the government enclosed 500 li of land around the capital city to establish manors for bannermen. To compensate the commoners who were relocated after their land was enclosed, the government allocated land in nearby counties to the civilian households. This practice was called bobu. Although bobu lands did not belong to the Eight-Banner system, they were a product of the banner land policy. The time of allocation and the location of the bobu land were determined along with the progress of the land enclosure. In the end, the bobu lands were in the areas surrounding the banner lands. Taking Beijing as the center, these lands spread out in layers into the southern region of Zhili, and were distributed in 67 counties of 8 prefectures and 2 independent department, as well as in the garrison system including Xuanfu Town. Therefore, although the southern counties of Zhili did not have any banner land, this region was still affected by the Eight-Banner system through the implementation of bobu lands. This paper focuses on the creation and distribution of the bobu lands due to the enclosure of banner lands and examines the indirect influence of the Eight-Banner system on the life of non-banner people and areas in Zhili province.