journal6 ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 26-44.
• 学术专论 • 上一篇 下一篇
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摘要: 毛文龙是明末辽东前线一名重要的军事将领, 在明清战争史上有着不可忽视的历史地位。三百多年来, 围绕着毛文龙抗金(清) 斗争的功过以及袁崇焕斩杀毛文龙的是非曲直, 学术界与民间一直争论不休。本文选择“毛文龙是否阉党”、“毛文龙是否欺罔冒功”、“毛文龙是否虚兵冒饷” 等三个具有代表性的议题, 对毛文龙的功过作详细辨析, 并分析这三个议题背后隐藏的深层次社会历史原因以及影响历史事实判断的主客观相关因素, 希望借此将毛文龙案的研究引向更深入的领域。
Abstract: Mao Wen-long was an important Anti-Qing general in the late Ming dynasty,who had an inneglected status in the war between Ming and Qing dynasties. Three hundred years from then on,there had been a long-time debate among academia and people about the evaluation of Mao Wen-long and Yuan Chong- huan. The paper selected three representative issues such as the relations between Mao Wen-long and the eunuch clique,had Mao Wen-long exaggerated the quantities of his army,and had Mao Wen-long lied in his reports,by which to have a detailed analysis on the merits and demerits of Mao Wen-long. Then we analyzed the deep social and historical reasons concealed in these three issues,in addition to subjective and objective related factors which had affected judgment.
王荣湟. 毛文龙研究献疑三题[J]. journal6, 2016, 0(2): 26-44.
WANG Ronghuang. Three items of research of Mao Wen-long[J]. journal6, 2016, 0(2): 26-44.
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