journal6 ›› 2012, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 50-.
• 学术专论 • 上一篇 下一篇
摘要: 本文旨在重新解释广州涉外贸易。关于这项贸易,中国政府的目的在于在保障边境安全的同时,杜绝关税不能按期完纳的情况发生;中国行商为保证自己的商业利益,努力化解可能导致他们破产的各种危机;从这项贸易里获得巨大收益的外国商人,尤其英国人,则尽可能消除一切增加他们贸易成本的规章制度,笔者称之为"行商制度"。另外,本文还指出,商欠其实分恶性和良性两种,恶性商欠的爆发往往导致地方甚至中央政府的直接干涉,口岸管理政策会越加严密,但良性商欠作为一种中外商人间的融资行为普遍存在于广州贸易。
Abstract: This article reexamines foreign trade in Guangzhou. The Chinese government’s object was to protect the security of its borders and the timely and complete collection of customs revenue. Chinese Cohong Merchants protected their commercial interests and worked hard to avoid the dangers of bankruptcy. Under this system of trade foreign merchants profited greatly, especially British traders who did everything possible to reduce the regulations and institutions that reduced their profits. This is what the author refers to as the Hong System. This article also points out the benefits and harm arising from the Cohong credit system. The harm came from the local and even central government involvement. The control of ports was increasingly strict but the benefits took the form of a development of a common Chinese-foreign financial behavior in the Canton trade.
曹雯 . 乾嘉道时期的广州贸易与行商商欠问题再考[J]. journal6, 2012, 0(3): 50-.
CAO Wen. A Reexamination of the Pre-Opium War Trade in Canton and Cohong-Foreign Credit System [J]. journal6, 2012, 0(3): 50-.
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