ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

journal6 ›› 2002, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 49-56.

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The Xinyou Coup d’Etat and Orthodox Thinking on Imperial Power: A Further Inquiry into the Reasons for the Success of Cixi’s Coup


  • Online:2002-11-15 Published:2002-11-15



  1. 北京师范大学历史系 

Abstract: In August 1861, the Emperor Xianfeng arranged “the funeral affairs” on his deathbed. This arrangement created a balance of power, but also set the stage for the subsequent power struggle. The provision of the imperial seal institutional1y ensured the preservation of imperial power and precluded the possibility of Su Shun and others forcing the new child emperor to do their bidding, but it also provided the opportunity for Ci Xi to grasp the highest power of Qing court. The numerous victories that Ci Xi won over Su Shun, such as obtaining the title of queen mother, were a result of her ability to control the imperial seal. Many ministers, literati and officials, who held orthodox ideas of imperial power, expressed widespread doubts over the legality and reliability of Su Shun and his supporters thereby assisting the child emperor. The orthodox idea of imperial power was the profoundly decisive reason that Ci Xi won victory in the coup. It not only influenced the people of that time but also has influenced some contemporary historians.

摘要: 1891年8月,咸丰帝弥留之际的“后事”安排,是一种意在调适权力平衡但又必然引起权力争夺的行政措施。上谕“钤印”的规定,从制度上确保了皇权不致旁落,排除了肃顺等人挟制天子的可能,但同时也为慈禧掌握清廷最高权力提供了可能和保证。慈禧与肃顺等人在慈禧的太后封号、有无干预朝政权、是否垂帘听政、辛酉政变等问题上较量的胜利,在相当大程度上皆依恃皇权代表的有利地位。当时弥漫于朝野上下的正统皇权主义思想,使许多文武大臣及封建士大夫对肃顺等人赞襄政务、辅弼幼帝的合法性与可靠性表示出普遍的怀疑。这种正统皇权主义思想才是慈禧太后发动政变成功的决定性深层次原因。它不仅影响着当时的人们,甚至影响着当代的某些史学工作者。