ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

journal6 ›› 2002, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 94-103.

• 学术专论 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国人民大学人文学院清史研究所

  • 出版日期:2002-11-15 发布日期:2002-11-15

On the Strategic Decisions of the Qing Army to Enter Tibet Twice during the Late Kangxi Period

  • Online:2002-11-15 Published:2002-11-15

摘要: 康熙末年,清朝以逐准噶尔部出西藏为契机,先后两次派兵入藏。第一次是纯粹军事意义上的行动,结果将亡兵败。第二次入藏取胜归于争夺民心政治战的功绩,与康熙帝正确审视政治环境、内外政治因素,利用卫拉特蒙古内部矛盾,区分蒙、藏民族关系等政治策略选择有极其密切的关系。康熙帝充分利用青海蒙古的军事力量和在藏的政治影响力,以“恢复你祖道法”为承诺,册封郡王等手段,拢得民心,使其出兵助战。同时,以从政治上取得优势为着眼点,册封塔尔寺灵童,树立达赖喇嘛这面宗教旗帜,大力争得蒙藏民众的支持,最大限度的孤立、瓦解准噶尔部在藏势力,为顺利入藏的决定因素。值得注意的是,在充分利用青海蒙古的过程中,康熙帝对西藏问题的认识也经历了一个转变,直到最后的取而代之,实现对西藏的直接管理。

Abstract: In an effort to drive the Zungars out of the region, the Qing Government twice sent armies to Tibet during the closing years of Kangxi reign. After the failure of the first effort the Kangxi emperor learned some valuable lessons. At the time of the second march Kangxi took advantage of the power of Qinghai Mongolia and their political influence in Tibet, and obtained their assistance. At the same time, Emperor Kangxi employed political measures, such as supporting the Dalai Lama in Kumbum Monastery and obtaining the support of Mongolian and Tibetan people.Together these measures allowed the Qing to isolate and undermine Zungar power in Tibet thoroughly. Entering Tibet with local support resulted in the Emperor Kangxi achieving direct control over Tibet.