ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

journal6 ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 77-93.

• 学术专论 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2017-02-15 发布日期:2017-02-15

Overlooked "Copper Cash Relief ":A Study of  the Circulation of  Cash during Famine Relief in the Qing Dynasty

  • Online:2017-02-15 Published:2017-02-15

摘要: “钱赈”指灾赈中以小额通货为中心的资源调配与赈济机制,其思想源远流长,理应在中国荒政思想中占据重要一席,但一直为相关研究所忽略。清代“钱赈”经历了一个由临时举措到固定惯例,再到成熟制度的演变过程,成熟标志为同治九年“畿南钱赈案”中制定的《会拟办贷章程》。通过考察灾赈中赈款的调拨、运输、兑换、散放、消费、回流、沉淀的各个阶段,可以发现银钱兑换是灾赈中货币流通的核心环节,而钱赈则是该链条的主线。结合先前研究可知,灾荒对清代城乡货币流通具有双重性影响,一方面灾荒会引发灾区严重的钱荒危机;另一方面大规模的灾赈活动会推动外部赈钱输入灾区,实现小额通货从城镇向农村的流动与沉淀,从而引发城乡金融资源的重新分配。

Abstract: “Copper cash relief" was a mechanism of resource allocation and famine relief that centered on micro-funding. The copper cash relief had a long history and occupied an important position in famine relief thinking,but the practice has long been ignored studies of famine relief. Copper cash relief in the Qing Dynasty evolved from a temporary measure to a fixed convention,and finally became a mature system. The sign that the relief regulation which was formulated in“Jinan Copper Cash Relief Case" of 1870. Studying each stage of development copper cash relief such as allocation,transportation,exchange,issuance,consumption,and circulation,we can find that the exchange rate between silver and copper was the core link of currency circulation in famine relief , while“copper cash relief" was the mainline of this circulation chain. Based on previous research and this paper’s findings,we conclude that famine had a dual influence on currency circulation between city and countryside in Qing Dynasty. On the one hand,famine would cause a serious copper shortage crisis in famine areas;on the other hand, large-scale relief activities could promote the flow of external copper into a famine area,which would facilitate micro-funding flow to the countryside from the city,and cause the redistribution of financial resources between city and countryside.