ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

journal6 ›› 2010, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 105-113.

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Lü Bicheng and the International Vegetarian Movement in Modern China


  • Online:2010-05-15 Published:2010-05-15



  1. 台湾佛光大学历史系

Abstract: Lü Bicheng was a very special woman and a gifted writer in the Late Qing and Early Republican period. The previous scholarships on Lü found her as a poet and an advocate for women's education. This paper goes on to analyze the neglected aspect of her religious life and her influences on the Modern Chinese Buddhist movement. By introducing the international vegetarian movement and animal protection groups in 1930—40's China,Lü helped to bring together the lay Buddhist vegetarian groups and the animal protection movement,consequently promoting the adaptation of international animal protection ideas among the Chinese lay Buddhist activists.

摘要: 吕碧城曾被誉为是中国最后一位女词人。她曾在《大公报》倡言女权,创办女学,主张从教育改变妇女的地位;过去的研究多是在词学、女权史的脉络里书写这样的人物;她对于近代中国佛教界的影响,却少见学者着墨;民国时期吕碧城与国际间的保护动物和提倡素食的团体联系,将当时西方社会流行的蔬食概念带入中国。在她积极介绍引荐下,和原本国内上海佛教居士林所推动的戒杀、护生运动合流,各地成立了中国保护动物会、中国放生会、世界素食同志会等相关组织。民初传统佛教的慈悲放生得以和国际上保护动物、蔬食运动接轨,实乃肇基于吕碧城的媒介与影响。