ISSN 1002-8587  CN 11-2765/K

journal6 ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 36-51.

• 学术专论 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2016-11-15 发布日期:2016-11-15
  • 作者简介:陈志武(1962—), 男, 耶鲁大学金融经济学教授、香港大学冯氏基金讲席教授、北京大学经济学院特聘教授, 美国康州, 06520, zhiwu. chen@ yale.edu; 彭凯翔(1978—), 男, 河南大学经济学院教授, 开封475004, kaixiangp@ qq.com; 袁为鹏(1972—), 男, 中国社会科学院经济研究所研究员, 北京100836, bjyuanwp@163.com

A Preliminary Study of Chinese Interest Rates from the Early Qing to the Twentieth Century Based on an Examination of the Historical Database of Chinese Interest Rates (1660一2000)

  • Online:2016-11-15 Published:2016-11-15
  • About author:CHEN Zhiwu (Yale University; zhiwu.chen@yale.edu) PENG Kaixiang (School of Economics,Henan University; kaixiang@qq.com) YUAN Weipeng (Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Science; bjyuanwp@163.com)

摘要: 本文介绍了中国利率史课题组的数据库建设工作, 就数据库的资料采集、整理方案等作简要说明。对数据库的统计分析表明, 资料选取不同、借贷交易的背景和形态不同, 其所对应的利率都有所不同,统计特征上呈现出较大差别, 这既表明了现有文献对中国利率史的种种认识误区之来源, 也证明了系统的数据库对历史研究的重要性。通过对利率史数据库的统计分析, 本文还初步探讨了清初至二十世纪前期各类型利率的空间分布、长期趋势等问题。

Abstract: This article provides a basic explanation of the construction, data collection, and design of the historical data base of Chinese interest rates. Based on differences in the analysis of statistical indicators, the selection of data, and background and forms of borrowing and lending, interest rates varied greatly, and the article shows these differences explain the comparatively large differences in the analysis of historical interest rates. The article makes clear the origins of a variety of misconceptions in literatures about China’s for interest rate history, and proves the importance of the statistical database for historical research. Through an analysis of the historical statistics in this data base, the article provides an initial examination of interest rates from the early Qing to the twentieth century, the long term trends in interest rates, and other issues.